Posted on February 23, 2016 · Posted in Blog

My Marriage is Over, Now what?

There’s a proverbial “line in the sand” that many couples arrive at when they know their marriage has come to a sputtering end. Many of those remember that little voice in the back of their head shouting: “Enough is enough. This marriage is over!” Now what?

First, a “ line in the sand ” story:

Geoff is one of our close friends and his wife was having an affair with a co-worker. The wife and her lover would rendezvous at a downtown hotel every Saturday afternoon. One of their co-workers who had been severely reprimanded by one of the lovers decided to let Geoff know where his wife was one particular Saturday. She called Geoff and told him where his wife and her lover were enjoying themselves.

Geoff called the hotel and asked to speak to his wife. Without any emotion, he calmly explained to her that he had left her clothes and a few other belongings in her parked car in the hotel parking lot. Tongue in cheek, he then suggested she inquire about weekly rates at the hotel since he had changed all of the locks in their home. He then said with great pleasure, “See you in divorce court,” and hung up.

If you ever find yourself drawing your own “line in the sand,” don’t panic, research & understand your rights ! Knowledge is power at this stage .

Is leaving going to be painful?


Shattered dreams cause great emotional upheaval, and walking away from the person you once vowed you would be with until “death do us part,” is more than painful.

Is creating a new life scary?

Actually, it’s terrifying.

Beginning a new life is unnerving. We are creatures of habit and we don’t like our routines broken. The thought of starting over is devastating.

Would you do it again?

A big YES !

Staying in a loveless relationship can kill both spouses, and the majority of divorcees will tell you that it was all worth it.

So, where do you start. CLICK HERE .
